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The Alliance (ADHCE) is a national leader in advancing the availability of effective, appropriate and high quality health care for persons with disabilities by promoting the inclusion of disability-related theory, research, and clinical learning experiences in health care training. Student Scholarships In Disability Research:
For the last three years, The Alliance for Disability in Healthcare Education (ADHCE) has offered scholarships to an individual or group of healthcare professional students (any discipline) with a program/project that enhances healthcare education in disabilities. Website Development
For resources and publication dissemination about best practices in disability healthcareWe are currently developing and upgrading an interactive website with paid staff to increase accessibility and better represent our mission, vision, values and principles. This will require ongoing website work efforts. We hope to at least double our membership. To do this, we set a fundraising goal of $5,000 for this next year. Social Media Communicator
We currently welcome volunteers to communicate and disseminate relevant resources about disabilities and healthcare education via social media. If our future budget allows in the future, a stipend payment may be available for this role. |
We ask you to consider making a gift to the Alliance. Our recommended annual donation is $50, though we are happy to accept any amount (higher or lower). Students pay what their budget allows. We also ask you to forward our website address http://www.adhce.org/ to persons you know who may be interested to join The Alliance.