Home • Students • ADHCE Student Scholarships • ADHCE Scholarships 2024-2025 ADHCE SCHOLARSHIPS 2024-2025Student Project Scholarship Winners - Each student was awarded $1,000 for their winning scholarships!1. Lydia Smeltz from Penn State University was awarded the 2024/2025 Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education scholarship to expand her ADEPT-CARE program that includes medical and physician assistant student that included a standardized patient scenario. Students participated with this team and included standardized patient included a pediatric or young adult patient with an intellectual or developmental disability (self-advocate) and their caregiver. This inclusive team team was further developed in collaboration with self-advocates from the community. The goal was that students who participated in these experiences will going forward have opportunities to apply these ADEPT-CARE. 2. Anna Quon was also awarded the 2024/2025 Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education scholarship to evaluate the impact of disability-informed staff training initiatives in acute care hospitals on meaningful health-related outcomes for people with autism. The central hypothesis is that inclusive, interprofessional disability education interventions that integrate ADHCE Core Competencies and principles result in favorable and meaningful healthcare outcomes for people with autism. The scholarship for projects is meant to promote the ADHCE Core Competencies on Disability for Health Care Education (http://nisonger.osu.edu/wp- content/uploads/2018/09/Core-Competencies-on-Disability_8.31.18.pdf). |